Pilates Reformer Workouts: 5 Must-Try Routines for Enhanced Fitness

Are you suffering from a weak core? A poor posture or lower back pain?


Are you recovering from injuries and can’t do cardio or intense strength training yet?

If you replied ‘yes’ to any of these questions, the Pilates reformer machine workout is for you!

Pilates Reformer Machine and Exercises

These exercises can be done laying down on a mat or even on a Pilates reformer machine. The Pilates machine has a sliding bed-like structure, springs, and pulleys to introduce resistance to your workout. Pilates are low-impact exercises and can improve:

  1. Core Strength
  2. Body Alignment
  3. Posture
  4. Body Balance of Strength
  5. Coordination
  6. Stability and Flexibility

So, are you ready to undergo a profound body-changing experience for the better? Read ahead to learn the five must-try Pilates workout routines for enhanced fitness.

The Pilates Reformer Machine Footwork

The targets of this exercise are:

  1. Glutes
  2. Quads
  3. Outer Thighs
  4. Calves
  5. Abs
  6. Hamstrings


  1. Start by attaching 4-springs to your platform for maximum resistance.
  2. Now lie down on your back on the Pilates reformer machine platform. Move on to place the balls of your feet on the foot bar. Keep your heels together while keeping the toes apart; it will make a small V.
  3. Now, lift your heels and open the knees slightly to align them over the middle toes. Place your arms along the sides, keep the palms flat on the platform surface, and your shoulders against the machine’s shoulder blocks – pulling away from the ears. Keep looking at the foot bar, and keep your head down.
  4. Squeeze the glutes while keeping your legs straight, and push the reformer machine platform out. While doing so, ensure that your abs and lower back stay flat on the mat.
  5. Maintain this pose for a moment, and squeeze your glutes.
  6. Furthermore, push the feet against the foot bar, bend the knees over the centers of the feet, and go back to the starting position with control.

Sets and Repetitions

  • 4 Sets
  • 10 Repetitions

Leg Circles on Reformer

The targets of this exercise are:

  1. Pelvis
  2. Inner and Outer Thighs
  3. Abs
  4. Quads
  5. Glutes
  6. Hamstrings


  1. Put two springs on the platform to achieve the required resistance. Attach extension straps through the handles.
  2. Lie on the platform by bending your knees and keeping your feet pointed.
  3. Lift straps over the head and slide in one foot, followed by the other, to secure feet in the loops.
  4. Now press your pelvis down, and keep your arms long, placing them on your sides. Further, keep your palms flat on the platform, and then start with the knees bent into your chest, keeping the tailbone down and heels together while keeping toes slightly apart to form a slight V.
  5. Next, extend the legs entirely to be at a 45-degree angle with the platform. Maintain your toes turned out and heels together. Ensure that all of the straps fall inside the knees.
  6. Equally important is to squeeze the glutes, pull abs in to keep your lower back flat.
  7. Lastly, start moving your legs in smaller outward circles, ensure that the legs circle evenly, and then try to keep your pelvis still.
  8. After doing five repetitions, start circling your legs in the opposite direction.

Sets and Repetitions

  • 2 Sets
  • 10 Circles (Each Way)
  1. Frog On Pilates Reformer Machine

The targets of this exercise are:

  1. Abs
  2. Inner and Outer Thighs
  3. Hamstrings and back
  4. Pelvis


  1. Put 2 springs onto the platform to achieve the required resistance. Work to hook the extension straps through the handles of the other end of the foot bar.
  2. Lie down on the Pilates reformer machine by bending the knees and keeping your feet pointed.
  3. Lift the straps over the head, slide one foot after the first, and secure in the loops.
  4. Press your pelvis, and then place your arms long by your sides. Furthermore, keep your palms flat.
  5. Again, start with the knees bent into the chest, heels together, and tailbone down, with your toes slightly apart as a small V.
  6. Extend your legs to make a 45-degree and 60-degree angle with the platform.
  7. Turn your toes out and heels pointed and together.
  8. Ensure all straps fall between your knees, then squeeze the glutes and pull the abs in to keep your lower back flat.
  9. Finally, bend the knees to the chest, keep heels together and tailbone down, keep your toes apart, and repeat.

Sets and Repetitions

  • 3 Sets
  • 12 Repetitions

Rounded Stomach Massage on Pilates Reformer Machine

The targets of this exercise are:

  1. Glutes and Inner Thighs
  2. Lower Abs
  3. Pelvis
  4. Quads
  5. Hamstrings


  1. Put on 4 springs for resistance.
  2. Sit on the front of the Pilates Reformer Machine platform, then place the balls of your feet foot bar, with the toes apart and heel together. Equally important is keeping your knees shoulder-width apart. Grab the front edge of the platform with your hands just outside the knees so your body stays stable.
  3. Pull in your abs by curving the back and tucking your chin. Ensure there remains enough length in the spine that it doesn’t sink. This shall become your starting position.
  4. Next, inhale, engage the abs, extend your legs, and squeeze your glutes while keeping the heels together. Your body will slide back as you do so.
  5. Finally, exhale and bend the knees again. Move back to the starting position, and do so without leaning back or even sinking.

Sets and Repetitions

  • 3 Sets
  • 10 Repetitions

Stomach Massage with Arms Back

The targets of this exercise are:

  1. Shoulders
  2. Lower Abs
  3. Chest and back
  4. Glutes
  5. Pelvis
  6. Adductors
  7. Quads and Hamstrings


  1. Put on three springs
  2. Sit on the front of the Pilates Reformer machine and then place balls of feet on the machine’s foot bar by keeping heels together and heels apart. Further, place your toes on the foot bat, and keep your knees open at shoulder-width.
  3. Now put your hands on shoulder blocks behind you, and straighten the arms. Open your chest and press the shoulders down.
  4. First, extend the legs and slide back while lowering your heels. Second, squeeze the glutes and keep your heels close.
  5. Lastly, slide forward by bending your knees. Lift your heels to the starting position, keep the posture tall, and repeat.

Sets and Repetitions

  • 3 Sets
  • 10 Repetitions

Final Word

There you have it, a complete run-down of 5 must-try routine exercises for enhanced fitness. Pilates reformer machine exercises lengthen and strengthen your whole body, offering you a more robust body awareness, core strength, and control. Furthermore, all of these attributes fuse to provide you a foundation for your fitness and rehabilitation program to help you with injury prevention.