Pilates Reformer Machines vs. Traditional Pilates: Which is Right for You?

Are you curious about the difference between traditional Pilates and Pilates reformer machine? 

If so, then this guide is specifically for you. Mat work or Traditional Pilates and Pilates Reformer Machines have proven benefits and work to improve your body's flexibility, core strength, mobility, muscle tone, and balance. However, the question remains which method is best, Pilates Reformer Machine or the Traditional Pilates? 

Pilates Reformer Machine vs. Traditional Pilates

Traditional and reformer machine workouts offer similar benefits; thus, most newbies need clarification about which path to choose. The decision of Pilates Reformer Machine vs. Traditional Pilates should depend on your current goals and abilities. Let's dive into more depth for their significant differences and which one you should choose.

The 500 classical Pilates exercises are designed to work against resistance. These are centered work on the human body's powerhouse, including the lower back, abdomen, buttocks, and hips. All of this can be achieved via a simple mat, where your body creates resistance. These exercises can also be performed on the Pilates Reformer Machine, where the springs and pulleys create resistance. 

Let's take on both methods one by one now: 

Traditional Pilates Workout

Traditional or mat work Pilates is the basis for the whole system of Pilates exercises. Usually, a traditional Pilates mat class works on your stomach, legs, lower and upper back muscles. While on a mat, your body weight creates the required resistance against gravity. This resistance makes your workout challenging in varying cases. A person should be in complete control of their body instead of relying on the support and assistance of cables or springs of a machine. Traditional Pilates is comprehensive and one of the best options for beginners. Beginners need to understand how to control their muscles during exercise, and traditional Pilates emphasizes just that. 

However, one should heed caution, as the advanced classes are, in fact, the hardest as now you will be using your entire body all the time: as the machine won't be there to assist or support you. While you perform Pilates on a mat instead of a Reformer, these might not seem challenging or exciting; however, many people witness good results. These improved results include improved posture, agility, strength, and toned muscles within a few traditional Pilates mat sessions. 

Pilates Reformer Machine Workout

The Pilates reformer machine is a piece of Pilates equipment originally designed by Joseph Pilates. The modern take of the machine is a narrow bed that comes with a sliding carriage, pulleys, and straps and works by increasing or decreasing the resistance levels by adding or removing springs. Most people get intimidated by the Pilates reformer machine. However this is temporary. The person becomes comfortable with just one of two pilate machine workouts. This is where a user realizes how resourceful and versatile these machines are, plus they are fun to use. 

How do Pilates Reformer Machines Work?

A machine works as a support system for your body and assists it in getting into its proper form. 

The machines also introduce resistance to the Pilates exercises with the help of springs, which are an important part of the Pilates reformer machine. Moreover, a few extra springs can also be added to build strength for your bigger muscle groups. Additionally, the lower springs can also help challenge the stabilizing of muscles. It means that the intensity of resistance offered by machine springs can vary considerably from one person to another. This quality alone makes reformer machines a versatile piece of equipment.

Applications of Reformer Machine in Rehab

Reformer Pilates machines are also ideal for rehab purposes. The reformers facilitate people to exercise with a horizontal motion plane and not getting vertically loaded bearing weight via their legs. For instance, if a person has had knee surgery or an injury, the horizontal plane lets them strengthen the muscles of their legs via a larger motion range; this is done effectively through a light resistance in comparison to their body weight, speeding up their recovery process utilizing a controlled range of movement.

Furthermore, people with scoliosis might also find the traditional mat Pilates difficult; however, a Pilates Reformer Machine can quickly boost their range of motion significantly.

In essence, the reformer machines can be for anyone, be it you are 17 or 71. These machines can effectively and safely work to your body's needs. Furthermore, the reformer machines offer muscle strength, flexibility, and postural endurance.

Final Word – Pilates Reformer Machine vs. Traditional Pilates

Still on the fence for your decision? Rest assured that there is no need to agonize over the choice between traditional methods and reformer machines. Both shall offer similar benefits and teach you to build your body's powerhouse effectively. While you can target specific muscles on a traditional mat, the combination of the exercises is less varied compared to a Pilates reformer machine. Additionally, the machine is more suitable for people with chronic imbalances or injuries.